
Our Four Focus Areas

Ayala Land identifies and manages economic, environmental and social issues and topics that are material to its stakeholders and core businesses. These topics are aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), six capitals of the Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Indicators, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Material Topics, and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations.

Materiality Review and Our Four Focus Areas

The results of the company’s materiality assessment in 2013 identifying sustainability focus areas remain relevant today, along with material issues emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on discussions within the company’s business units, customer surveys, media reports, and the Board-level Sustainability Committee, four sustainability concerns were identified for the Philippine development: vulnerability to the effects of climate change and natural disasters; need for pedestrian mobility in urban areas; continuing loss of natural resources; and socio-economic imbalances.

These results led to the determination of Ayala Land’s Sustainability Four Focus Areas: site resilience, pedestrian mobility and transit connectivity, resource efficiency, and local economic development. Ayala Land regularly consults with company stakeholders to refine the goals and metrics of each focus area.

Ayala Land regularly holds iterative consultations with company stakeholders to refine the goals and metrics of each focus area.

Material Topics to Ayala Land

To measure Ayala Land’s performance and report its impact on local and global development, AyalaLand identified UN SDGs and GRI, SASB and TCFD topics that correspond to the four focus areas and other material topics.

Our Four Focus Areas